Teen Depression


Caroline Bilodeau

“I wanted to talk about it. Damn it. I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell. I wanted to shout about it. But all I could do was whisper; I’m fine, ” from an unknown teen.

Teenagers’ depression is seen as taboo, but it is very important to talk about it. When kids are in depression, many signs are obvious. For example, they can stay all day in their room, don’t clean it up, don’t want to go to school, or don’t even get out of bed and don’t want to see anybody.

They feel like trash and don’t want to take care of themselves. They feel sad and think nothing is relevant and things don’t have meaning. (No motivation)

“It’s so difficult to describe depression to someone who’s never been there because it’s not sadness,” said J.K. Rowling. We can confuse teenage angst* and depression teen. It can be nice for a parent to know the difference. Teen depression is the fact that the kid is feeling mad, he feels like he can’t do anything, but teenage angst is just a frustrated kid with heavy emotions that grow up.

Most of the time, parents try hard to help their kids, but in fact, they don’t understand the situation and how the child feels. In this case, the teen and his parents can see a family Doctor and ask for medical treatment and maybe organize a meeting with a psychologist. So many solutions are available. The treatment could be long and demanding, but it is necessary.

If you are a kid and want some help and support, you can call 1-800-263-2266. It’s always open, or you can contact them by text at 514-600-1002 (8h am/23h pm).  Remember, if you take the first step, the rest will come easily .


*Angst is a concept derived from existential anxiety referring to anxiety about one’s existence. Although different for everyone, teenage angst is generally understood to encompass the range of normal insecurity and stress related to the profound biological changes teens undergo.